Dear members of Iranian Occupational Therapy Association,
My name is Kresimir, I work as Partners Manager for 2019 ATAAC Conference.
We would like to invite your colleagues, professors, students and everyone else interested in AAC to attend the 2019 AssistiveTechnology and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ATAAC) Conference on advanced technology for people withdisabilities, October 15-17, in Zagreb, Croatia.
The lectures will be streamed online and they will be available free of cost for professors and their students working in these and related fields, for allthree days, as well as SEN Teachers, OT/SLP/AAC/AT practitionerscooperating with non-profits. The program will be accessible for 14 days so it can be watched at one'sown pace.
For details on the program and speakers, please visit:
If you are a professor or student, please register for free access codeshere:
If you are a SEN Teacher, OT/SLP/AT or AAC practitioner cooperating with anon-profit, please register here:
Once you have registered for the free code we will send you the code and instructions how to use it.
Please do not hesitate to share the invitation with anyone who couldbenefit from this content and to write me regarding any questions that you may have.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards to you all from Croatia,
Kresimir Persa, mag. logoped.
ATAAC Partners Manager
E-GLAS d.o.o.
Milutina Baraca 62
HR-51000 Rijeka
skype: kresimir.persa_1